Debug Adapter for Apache Camel by Red Hat


This is the client implementation of the Debug Adapter Server for Apache Camel for Visual Studio Code

View the Project on GitHub camel-tooling/camel-dap-client-vscode


Welcome to the VS Code extension Debug Adapter for Apache Camel project created by Red Hat! Here you’ll find a description of how to use VS Code extension providing Debug Adapter for Apache Camel.


This extension adds Camel Debugger power by attaching to a running Camel route written in Java, Yaml or XML DSL directly in your Visual Studio Code editor. It is working as a client using the Microsoft Debug Adapter Protocol which communicates with Camel Debug Server providing all functionalities.

How to install

  1. You can download Debug Adapter for Apache Camel extension from the VS Code Extension Marketplace and the Open VSX Registry.
  2. Debug Adapter for Apache Camel can be also installed directly in the Microsoft VS Code.


    • Open your VS Code.
    • In VS Code, select View > Extensions.
    • In the search bar, type Camel Debug
    • Select the Debug Adapter for Apache Camel option and then click Install.



Known limitations

With Camel 4.9

Due to [CAMEL-21612](], the Camel debugger in VS Code is not working out of the box. To use the Camel debugger if you are not using any kamelets, you can workaround it by going to File -> Preferences -> Settings, then type Extra launch parameter and remove the --local-kamelet-dir=. default option.

Note that you will have also to change the settings of Camel JBang to use 4.9, File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Camel -> Debug Adapter -> JBang version.