Language Support for Apache Camel by Red Hat


This is the client implementation of the Language Server for Apache Camel for Visual Studio Code

View the Project on GitHub camel-tooling/camel-lsp-client-vscode

Create a Camel Route using Camel JBang


Camel Route YAML DSL command

Java DSL

Camel Route Java DSL command


Camel Route XML DSL command

From an OpenAPI file with YAML Dsl

Camel Route YAML DSL from OpenAPI command

Transform a Camel route to YAML using Camel JBang

Transform Camel Routes from XML and Java to YAML using Camel JBang

Create a Camel project (using Camel JBang export)


It is asking for the Maven GAV (group id, artifact id, version) to be used to generate the project.

In case there are Camel files in the workspace, it is copying them in src/main/resources/camel folder of the created Camel Quarkus based project.

Command to create a Camel Quarkus project in VS Code. From command-palette, it can be found by typing `Camel Quarkus`.


It is asking for the Maven GAV (group id, artifact id, version) to be used to generate the project.

In case there are Camel files in the workspace, it is copying them in src/main/resources/camel folder of the created Camel Quarkus based project.

Command to create a Camel on SpringBoot project in VS Code. From command-palette, it can be found by typing `Camel SpringBoot`.