Language Support for Apache Camel by Red Hat


This is the client implementation of the Language Server for Apache Camel for Visual Studio Code

View the Project on GitHub camel-tooling/camel-lsp-client-vscode

Specific Camel Catalog Version

It is possible to use a specific Camel Catalog version. This can be specified in File > Preferences > Settings > Apache Camel Tooling > Camel catalog version

Please note that the first time a version is used, it can take several seconds/minutes to have it available depending on the time to download the dependencies in the background.

When using a Red Hat productized version that contains redhat in its version identifier, the Maven Red Hat repository is automatically added.

To use other versions not available on Maven Central, you need to configure extra repositories. See in Camel Language Server documentation.

Specific Runtime provider for the Camel Catalog

It is possible to use a specific Runtime provider for the Camel catalog. This can be specified in File > Preferences > Settings > Apache Camel Tooling > Camel catalog runtime provider

Provide Additional Camel components

Additional Camel components can be provided. This can be specified in File > Preferences > Settings > Apache Camel Tooling > Extra-components > Edit in settings.json

You can add a list of Camel components definition. This json definition can be found in jar of the Camel component. You will end up with something like:

   "camel.extra-components": [{
      "component": {
      "componentProperties": {
      "properties": {

Note: By default, the completion is using the Camel cased notation. But It is possible to use dashed notation in the properties file and Camel K modelines. It is using the dashed notation when there is another Camel property already using the dashed notation in the same file.

Quick Reference Documentation

Quick reference documentation when you hover the cursor over a Camel component.

Quick Reference for XML DSL

Automatic schema association for Camel YAML file

To easily allow schema association we can install YAML Language Support by Red Hat extension. If you take a look into documentation there are examples of usage. See Associating schemas.